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Digital Lending

Macro Benefits from a Micro Application!


Our digital lending platform is designed to provide access to credit for individuals and small businesses in need of financial support. This innovative solution caters to those who require smaller-scale loans, have limited financial history, and may be underserved by traditional lending institutions. This solution is designed specifically for underserved communities, with a streamlined onboarding process and flexible loan options, setting us apart from traditional financial institutions.


Why Micro Savings & Lending from Dibscore

Embedded features for automated recovery and repayment of loan

mSaving - enables a bank, SACCO or mobile wallet operator to offer a micro savings account to existing customers

AI-powered automated credit scoring.

mLoan - an app-based solution for mobile money customers

In-built Fees and Commission structure for banks and wallet operators.

Best-in-class tools for digital loan origination.

Customer-Centric Banking

Retail Customer

Retail Customer

Providing retail customers with a self-personalized solution that offers a consistent experience.

SME Customer

SME Customer

Providing SME customer solution that supports the entire transactions to payments offering the best-in-class user experience.